These lifejackets have been proven successful in various types of industry applications such as the Australian Defence and Law Enforcements, Coast Guard, Marine Pilots, & many commercial marine groups world-wide.
ISO lifejackets for the Professional plus Man Overboard Rescue Equipment
The SOS Waterfront load-bearing lifejacket vest provides a new innovation in managing hydration in the marine environment. The jacket incorporates a drinking bladder into the design, which allows the wearer to have access to quality drinking water while working, or in the event of a person overboard situation.
This assists in maintaining hydration levels in the wearer and helps reduce the carbon footprint associated with packaging and transporting bottled water.
Dehydration is one of the main medical emergencies confronting marine Occupational Health and Safety.
• The Royal Australian & Royal New Zealand Navy
• Australian Water Police
• Coast Guard
• Marine Rescue
• Customs and Immigration
• Marine Pilots
• Marine Research
• NSW Maritime
• NSW Fisheries
• Industrial & Off-Shore Workers